среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Qld: Govt to conduct road safety review at split-campus schools

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Govt to conduct road safety review at split-campus schools

BRISBANE, Dec 10 AAP - The Queensland government will carry out a statewide review
of all schools on major roads with split campuses after a 13-year-old girl was killed
by a car outside her high school.

Caitlin Hanrick was using a pedestrian crossing outside Redcliffe State High School,
in Brisbane's bayside, last Monday when she was hit by a car which was being chased by

She died of severe head and internal injuries in hospital the next day.

A 19-year-old woman has been charged over the death and remanded in custody.

Premier Peter Beattie today said Main Roads would fast-track the design of either an
underpass under or footbridge over Oxley Avenue to connect the Redcliffe State High School

Additionally, the government would carry out a statewide review on schools with similar
split campuses, he said.

"While we don't expect to find huge numbers of schools in this situation, the precise
number will be determined by the review," Mr Beattie said.

"This is about doing everything we can to try and prevent tragedies like the one at
Redcliffe from ever happening again."

Mr Beattie admitted, however, the move came too late for Caitlin.

"We obviously have to learn from what's happened here. I'm not going to pretend for
one minute that this hasn't come out of the tragedy at Redcliffe," he said.

"Tragically, in Caitlin's case, the answer is yes (it is too late)."

Mr Beattie said the review would take between six to nine months.

Lollypop ladies and men would continue to watch over children at school crossings, he said.

Mr Beattie said his government would watch the outcome of legal proceedings against
the alleged driver, and if necessary, consider upgrading laws so any such drivers would
face manslaughter charges.

"If we need to change the law we will. We will watch this case," the premier said.

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