четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

HOB: Tassie backs petrol probe

AAP General News (Australia)
HOB: Tassie backs petrol probe

Tasmania has backed the push for a national inquiry into petrol prices.

Consumer Affairs Minister PETER PATMORE says the government is extremely concerned at the
rise of petrol prices in the state.

The government last May set up its own inquiry into petrol prices in Tasmania through the
Government Prices Oversight Commission.

Mr PATMORE says GPOC will release the results of its first petrol price survey in the next
few weeks.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics says in the March quarter this year the average price
in Hobart was 72.1 cents a litre for unleaded and 74.1 cents for super leaded.

Prices appear to have risen significantly since.

In Hobart today, the prices were 79.9 and 81.9.

AAP RTV dw/am/wz


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