четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Chikarovski says poll results obvious

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Chikarovski says poll results obvious

New South Wales opposition leader KERRY CHIKAROVSKI has dismissed as obvious the results of
an opinion poll showing Labor well ahead in the lead-up to the March 27 state election.

The Morgan Bulletin poll found the government had opened up a 14-point lead over the
coalition since Mrs CHIKAROVSKI became opposition leader.

But Mrs CHIKAROVSKI's told ABC radio the poll's simply confirmed that the Coalition's the
underdog in the election.

She says there's still time to turn things around, with six weeks to go until the election.

The poll shows Labor leading the Coalition 57 per cent to 43 per cent on a two-party
preferred basis.

AAP RTV jo/tsm/pa/rt


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